NFA Forms Simplified
Streamline the process of creating NFA forms with our web-based tools. Sign up for a 14 day trial and quickly create Form 4s and Form 1s. We guarantee our tools will save you time and money.
Save your customer information in one location. Create customer profiles to organize contact info, photos, and trust documents.
NFA forms are complex, tedious, and time consuming. With our tools, you can quickly and efficiently create forms and focus your time elsewhere.
Retain ownership of the information you enter into our system. NFA Tools will not advertise to your customers.
Enter your license information once and it will appear on all ATF forms you create.
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Input your customer details and add responsible persons, if applicable.
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Generate a form using our simple drop down menus and simply input the serial number.
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Use the DocuSign feature to collect electronic signatures from your customers.
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